This article comes from Mamta Suri’s talk ‘Bridging the gap: Unleashing the power of diversity in SaaS’ at the Future of SaaS Festival 2023, check out the full version here.

In the dynamic, multicultural world we live in, diversity and inclusion are more than just buzzwords—they're the key to fostering innovation, improving profitability, and developing better products.

Especially in my role as director of engineering at DocuSign and working within the constantly evolving global SaaS space, our approach to diversity and inclusion should be echoing the dynamism around us.

As someone who embodies intersectionality, being a woman, a mother, and an immigrant, I understand firsthand how diversity can shape our personal and professional lives, and the challenges diverse groups face.

Therefore diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a discussion that is very close to my heart and something I want to talk about here. So join me as we explore the benefits of diverse teams, the challenges they face, and the strategies to empower diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Let’s jump right in!

  • The benefits of diverse teams
  • Challenges of diversity and inclusion
  • Strategies for empowerment
  • Final thoughts

The benefits of diverse teams

Let's start with the data! 📊

Studies have shown that companies with diverse teams are more profitable, more innovative, have higher cash flow, and they're better at problem solving.

They're also more productive, and have a better ability to make decisions than their homogeneous counterparts, clearly showing diversity is good for the bottom line and profitability.

As we delve into this topic, I really want to emphasize that diversity in tech is not just a 'nice to have', but in fact a crucial factor in preventing biases in our algorithms and products.

The world of tech is fueled by innovation and diverse teams bring a range of perspectives that spark creativity and fresh new approaches.

Picture this: a group of individuals from varied backgrounds, each bringing their unique ideas to the table. It's a fertile ground for innovation, right?

Not only that, but these teams often yield better product development. With diverse experiences come diverse insights into the needs and preferences of different user groups. This can lead to the creation of more user-friendly, inclusive products.

Challenges of diversity and inclusion

While the benefits of diversity are clear, there are significant challenges to overcome. Unconscious bias, lack of representation, and intersectionality can all contribute to a less inclusive environment.

However, like any worthwhile endeavor, these challenges must be faced. Unconscious bias is one such stumbling block. I have, at times, been on the receiving end of unconscious bias, and I can tell you, it's a difficult experience.

Our biases are often born from our upbringing, societal norms, and the media, and they can affect how we perceive and treat others without us even realizing it.

This inherent tendency and these biases, ranging from gender and racial preconceptions to age bias, can influence our decisions in hiring or promotion, often subtly and subjectively.

Lack of representation is another key challenge. In industries such as tech, there's a significant underrepresentation of women and people of color. A lack of representation can lead to groupthink and echo chambers, limiting innovative ideas and diverse perspectives.

This lack of diversity fails to cater to the needs and expectations of the diverse workforce or customer segments, which may result in reduced satisfaction and profitability.

Then there's intersectionality which describes people belonging to multiple underrepresented groups who may face amplified discrimination based on various aspects of their identity.

As someone who embodies intersectionality, it has greatly influenced my experiences and perspectives. Unfortunately, not everyone understands or acknowledges the complexity of intersectional identities, which can lead to people feeling overlooked or undervalued.

This can lead to low productivity, lower morale, and underrepresentation. Recognizing these different facets of identity – race, gender, sexual orientation, beliefs, and more – is crucial in fostering a more inclusive environment.

Algorithmic bias, a crucial issue in today's digital era, and another obstacle, is the biased output generated by algorithms due to the data they're trained on. I like to think of it like a juicer: if you put in healthy fruits, you get a healthy juice; whereas junk food results in an unhealthy drink.

Amazon's recruiting algorithm exhibited gender bias, penalizing resumes mentioning women or women's colleges. This bias stemmed from a lack of diversity in the algorithm's training data, which primarily consisted of resumes from white males.

Such examples underline the potential harm algorithmic bias can cause. Therefore, while creating AI models, it's important to be cognizant of such issues, even if they might not be immediately visible.

Strategies for empowerment

So, how do we address these issues? Sadly, there's no quick fix to address these challenges.

Instead, it requires a consistent and dedicated effort to cultivate an environment where everyone feels valued, included, and empowered to contribute their unique viewpoints.

Let me share with you some practical strategies I've adopted, including diversity and inclusion training programs, mentorship programs, employee resource groups, inclusive decision-making processes, and employee feedback channels.

  • Diversity and inclusion training programs are a good starting point, and I've been fortunate enough to lead such initiatives. These programs help raise awareness about unconscious biases and provide tools for individuals to challenge and change their perspectives.
  • Mentorship programs can also be powerful. I've both mentored and been mentored, and it's an incredible way to share insights, develop skills, and foster connections. Inclusion isn't just about having diverse individuals on a team. It's about ensuring they have the same opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed.
  • Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) have also been instrumental in fostering an inclusive culture. These groups provide a safe space for underrepresented employees to express their concerns, share their experiences, and support each other.
  • Inclusive decision-making processes are another critical piece of the puzzle. I've made it a priority to ensure diverse voices are heard and valued in meetings and decision-making processes. It's not just about giving people a seat at the table - it's about making sure they feel comfortable and empowered to speak up.
  • Feedback channels are also important. By establishing open lines of communication, organizations can learn from their employees about what is working well and where improvements can be made in promoting diversity and inclusion.

To prevent algorithmic bias, we first need to understand its origins, be it from biased datasets, model selection, or interpretations. Secondly, thoroughly evaluate the data for representation, biases, and fairness. Invite external review and evaluation for wider perspectives and bias detection.

Next, cultivate diversity in algorithm development through diverse hiring and incorporating varied viewpoints from across the organization. Test algorithms with diverse datasets and routinely monitor for bias over time, refining based on feedback.

Promoting diversity and equity in the tech industry and within the organization can help to curb algorithmic bias. This encourages innovative solutions, identification of blind spots, and improved customer satisfaction.

🌟We all have the power to contribute to this change.

Embrace diversity as a driver for innovation, seeking and valuing diverse perspectives. Foster a culture of belonging in your organization, promoting inclusive hiring practices, providing development opportunities for diverse groups, and ensuring everyone feels valued and included.

Final thoughts

Promoting diversity and inclusion is an ongoing journey that requires constant effort. I hope my personal insights and strategies inspire you to take action in your organization.

Remember, the diversity of our teams is our strength. Let's embrace it together to create a truly inclusive, innovative, and productive workplace.

As I've navigated my career, one thing has become crystal clear: we all have a role to play in promoting diversity and inclusion. It's not just about policies and programs - it's about our attitudes and actions.

We need to actively seek out diverse perspectives, challenge our biases, and strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and included.

In the end, the diversity of our teams is our strength. Let's embrace it, let's celebrate it, and let's work together to create a truly inclusive, innovative, and productive workplace.