In the ever-evolving world of SaaS, fresh innovations are always in the pipeline. But how do these game-changers gain traction? We firmly believe it's through spirited discussions and respectful debates.
While social media can ignite valuable conversations, there's something even more potent about uniting a community of SaaS trailblazers to exchange ideas.
That's precisely the remarkable opportunity we offer at Future of SaaS events. As a seasoned SaaS pro, you can join forces with like-minded peers, collectively forging groundbreaking solutions. Dive into Navya Rehani Gupta's account of her enriching experience at our Future of SaaS Festival.
Can you take us through how you prepared for this presentation?
The hardest part was picking a topic, especially with so much going on in SaaS.
Once the topic was decided, it was all about coming up with concrete examples and tangible tips for the audience. I’ve found it’s the stories of struggle and success that really resonate most with people.
All in all, it was a fun journey to prepare for the presentation. It's so nice to be able to take up time, reflect and think about how you can bring back value to the community. This exercise helps you to really deepen your own understanding.
And as a leader, stepping back and considering what you have to share with the industries is a great learning experience.
Can you describe your experience of working with our events team?
Future of SaaS representatives were very helpful in brainstorming topics and were able to help me bring something unique and helpful to the table.
Did your experience of the event match with your expectations?
It was such a pleasure to be exposed to a global SaaS network, especially having the opportunity to get to know other speakers at the event.
We bonded on LinkedIn, and we were happy to promote and learn from each other’s content.
What were you hoping to achieve by participating in this event?
Firstly, I wanted to make something where I felt I was having a significant impact on the community, with tangible stories of success and learning experiences.
Secondly, I wanted to expand my own network and get to know other SaaS experts. I was successful in both of these pursuits. I definitely heard back from people who’d attended the event and from those who’d read the content on the blog. [Future of SaaS event speakers are given the opportunity to have their talks written up as blog content on the site, giving your content even more exposure!]
Participation definitely helped me expand my network.
Any other benefits?
I would say the biggest benefit for me was community building, connecting with more vertical SasS experts.
At my level, that's a really powerful benefit.
I want to have a community of people that I could pick up a phone and call when I’m running into problems. The community and the networking benefit of Future of SaaS is huge.
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